Archiv der Kategorie: Anatomie

Relics of a River Monster

Yesterday I had a great day visiting the Museum für Naturkunde at Schloss Rosenstein, Stuttgart, and later also the nearby Wilhelma Zoo. There was a special exhibition at the museum with a lot of specimens which are usually not on … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Anatomie, Bild des Tages, Fische, Museen | Schreib einen Kommentar

Sky whale skeletons part III

The last part of the mini-series features the skeleton of a six metres long Cuvier´s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) near the Punta de Jandía lighthouse, at the southern tip of Fuerteventura. It´s also always good to have photos of various … Weiterlesen

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Sky whale skeletons part II

Part II of the sky whale mini series features a 19 m long fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) skeleton which is situated south of the airport of Salinas del Carmen at Fuerteventura. As you can see the skeleton, as well as … Weiterlesen

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Sky whale skeletons part I

Cetaceans are doubtless some of the most marvelous and most fantastic mammals which ever evolved. Nearly everything on them is weird by normal standards, even more so if you look at all the incredible anatomical adaptions of the original mammal … Weiterlesen

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Photo of the day: Aye aye skull

It´s quite hot here at the moment and I have not much time to write a more extensive blogpost, so here´s a photo of an aye aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) skull in all its weirdness. The photo was taken at the … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Anatomie, Bild des Tages, Säugetiere | Schreib einen Kommentar

Photo of the day: Goliath frog skeleton

Today´s photo of the day shows a skeleton of a goliath frog (Conraua goliath) from the zoological collection at Heidelberg:

Veröffentlicht unter Amphibien, Anatomie, Bild des Tages | Schreib einen Kommentar

Of sea monsters and cetacean weirdness – here´s the skeleton of a long-finned pilot whale

Based on the recent discovery of an alleged „monster“ on a British beach, I decided to post a photo of a long-finned pilot whale´s skeleton from the zoological museum Hamburg. First of all, because that´s exactly what this purported monster … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Anatomie, Blogposts in English, Kryptozoologie, Wale | 2 Kommentare

Under the hermit crab´s shell

Hermit crabs are freaky and cool for many reasons. They live inside the external skeletons of dead snails to cover their misshapen abdomens, which they even sometimes plant with living anemones, they have some of the most extensive body assymetries … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Anatomie, Arthropoden | Ein Kommentar

The oral oddities of ruminants

In the last post I wrote about the strange anatomical structures in the beaks of spoonbills. This time I will cover again oral oddities, but in a fully different class of animals. Ruminants have always been among the most important … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Anatomie, Säugetiere | 2 Kommentare

Birds with weird beaks part III: Why spoonbills are even stranger than you think

Spoonbills (Plataleinae) have obviously weird beaks. The overall elongated shape with the flat and proximally widened end is already a quite strong modification of the „normal“ bird beak. But you have to take a really close look at the beak, … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Anatomie, Vögel | Schreib einen Kommentar