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Archiv des Autors: Markus Bühler
Fossil of the day: Gnarly wooly rhino skull
For today I have just a short fossil-of-the-day-post. It´s a close-up of the nasal and frontal area of of a wooly rhino´s skull from the Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz (natural history museum Mainz). You can see very well the highly textured … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Anatomie, Megafauna, Paläontologie, Säugetiere
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In search of the black hell adder
Today I made an excursion to the northern Black Forest, with a vague hope to see a common European adder (Vipera berus). This is one of the few remaining areas here around which still has a somewhat bigger population of … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Naturbeobachtungen, Reptilien
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The spiny wing quills of the cassowary
Cassowaries are unusual and weird by nearly every standard, but the general focus is mainly on their flamboyant heads and necks and their formidable foot claws. But there is just so much more noteworthy about them. For example their extraordinaire … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Anatomie, Vögel
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A possible case of tail autophagy observed in Lilford’s wall lizard on Dragonera
In 2014, I made a trip to Dragonera, a small island off the west coast of Majorca. My main focus was to see the endemic variant of Lilford´s wall lizards, Podarcis lilfordi ssp. giglioli, which populates this island. Among the … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Naturbeobachtungen, Reptilien
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No guts, no glory – Nanuqsaurus feeding giant petrel style
In the sequel of the last post about the table manners of living and prehistoric carnivores and their depictions in paleoart, I post today a portrayal of Nanuqsaurus feeding on a mosasaur carcass by Joschua Knüppe (take a look at … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Dinosaurier, Paläontologie
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Don´t forget the blood and guts – for the sake of badass feathered theropods
Feathered theropods have some issues. A lot of people just don´t like them. Movies like „Jurassic World“ have also shown that the mere idea of theropods being mainly covered in some sort of feathers or filaments is still far away … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Dinosaurier, Paläontologie, Populäre Irrtümer, Vögel
3 Kommentare
A natural crystal skull
Some time ago I visited the mineral exhibition at the museum „Welt der Kristalle“ near Rottweil. Besides a lot of really fascinating crystals and minerals and some nice fossils was a really bizarre object on exhibit, a ram skull fully … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Bild des Tages
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A herring in the wolf´s clothing
Today´s blogpost features another fish skull, this time a much smaller but yet pretty impressive one, which nearly looks like a miniature version of the giant cretaceous Xiphactinus. It belongs to a dorab wolf hering (Chirocentrus dorab), a member of … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Anatomie, Fische, Paläontologie
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Relics of a River Monster
Yesterday I had a great day visiting the Museum für Naturkunde at Schloss Rosenstein, Stuttgart, and later also the nearby Wilhelma Zoo. There was a special exhibition at the museum with a lot of specimens which are usually not on … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Anatomie, Bild des Tages, Fische, Museen
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Fossil of the day: Pelagosaurus typus with fatal jaw fracture
Today I visited the fossil museum at Dotternhausen, which exhibits nearly exclusively fossils found in the surrounding area. It is located in the Swabian Alps, an area which is famous for various fossil deposits, especially for ammonites and other marine … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Paläontologie, Reptilien
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